Bellini’s at the Bellagio

We are sat in Trader Vic's, which is on the strip (Las Vegas Boulevard) in Las Vegas and we are drinking cocktails before dinner. Leigh is currently having a trader Vic's Stinky and I am waiting for my Zombie.
So Leigh says that they do Bellinis at the Belagio which we last had at the very famous Harry's Bar in Venice where the drink is supposed to have originated.
Now all I can do is think about Venice and the wonderful artwork and how the rather clean and fresh Venitian here doesn't even compare to it.
Anyway Leogh thought that Bellinis at the Bellagio would make a great blog title and I Agreed. So now I am beating her to the post (as one would have it).
Of course the greatest crime here, and one which the Wicked Witch of Vegas just informed Leigh I have committed is texting this to my blog instead of looking at my wife. She is correct of course. Pity she was so rude with it.

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By mdk

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