Written in 365 Parts: 153: Rogue Data

The answer came back a lot quicker than Hooper had hoped. Barely an hour had passed. The Slicer had reverse engineered the code from the pattern of changes to every sensor reading related to the dates when Camile had visited the satellite. The whole data set had not been affected and so it was easier than expected to infer the answer. Since there were many other dates where a similar pattern of numbers occurred, the slicer had been able to determine which days and sensors were affected. This was achieved  by matching the values when changed, by the reverse engineered algorithm, against an extrapolated figure based on trend for the sensors when not affected.

There were so many occurences of the alteration that the pattern had been easy to verify. There was a high probability that the sensors they thought were affected had been changed. This gave Hooper a lot of dates to help gather more information. It also gave Hooper more sensor readings to decipher. The type of sensors affected was interesting. They were mostly motion, weight, and oxygen detection systems. 

Almost all of the affected systems were in areas frequented by organics. Mess rooms, staff rooms, some offices. Hooper smiled grimly. This wasn’t just a matter of masking the import or export of goods. Someone was hiding themselves. Hiding where they had been. Hiding to throw suspicion away, so they could conduct whatever nefarious activities they wanted.

Hooper requested the full video feeds from the past year and all records from the same period. It was time to start matching video footage to sensors. If they were good, and Hooper suspected they were good, they would have kept clear of almost all surveillance equipment. But it was impossible to hide from every camera or reflective surface. Hooper directed a computer to start matching the suspected rogue sensor data to the video footage and matching any faces, Hooper needed just one image to know who they were looking for, if it were just one organic behind this.

Hooper made sure that the computer also attempted to work out which of the sensor readings might be a false trail. If it was Hooper they would make sure to leave a false trail. Always best to corrupt the data process, it hindered any detection.

Hooper left the program to run. They had another problem to solve. Were the sensors themselves affected, or was it a system? Was someone retroactively changing data, or was there another method in use? It was time to try and work that out while the computers crunched yet more data.

By mdk

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