Another Show, Another Work Stand
This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
This is a tiny island in the Lune near to the weir st Skerton. Normally this is about two to six feet above high tide, yesterday it was below it.…
This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
Made two granary loaves this weekend. Further improved my proving and kneading, they were crisp on the top and soft and light inside. Very tasty. This specific post was created…
Made a chocolate sponge this weekend, quite tasty. This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual…
This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
Finally managed to make a loaf today with a better density. Taste is good as well. Quite happy with how my proving and kneading skills are improving. I have a…
The saying says so, and even if it is mash and beans for a two year old doesn’t mean it need look like slop. This specific post was created using…
Today I made a griddled lemon pepper chicken, with avacado, tomato and cheddar with a lime, coriander and chilli yoghurt. This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on…